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File Premissions

Permissions define the possible actions an entity in the system can do on the
There are permissions for

  • the owner of the file (the "user"),
  • members of the group who owns the file (the "group"),
  • and anyone else ("others").

The permissions have a slightly different meaning for files and directories:

  • Files:

    • Read permission, grants the ability to open and read contents of a file
    • Write permission, grants the ability to alter the contents of a file.
    • Execute permission, grants the ability to run the file content as a program.
  • Directories:

    • Read permission, grants the ability to list the files and directories
      contained in the directory in question
    • Write permission, grants the ability to add, rename or delete (rename/delete
      combined means also able to move) files in the directory.
    • Execute permission, grants the ability to change into the directory.
      Implies, that if any directory in a path has not the execute permission for
      the user, the user cannot use cd to change into the desired directory.

There are two ways to represent these permissions: with symbols
(alphanumeric characters), or with octal numbers (the digits 0 through 7).

  • In general chmod commands take the form:

    > chmod [OPTIONS]  
  • Change the permissions of file to octal, which can be found separately
    for user, group, and world by adding:

    > chmod  
    • Read (r):

      > chmod 444 
    • Write (w):

      > chmod 222 
    • Execute (x):

      > chmod 111 
    • Examples:

    > chmod 777

    Read, write execute for all:

    > chmod 755

    rwx for owner, rx for group and world:

  • Change the permissions in symbolic way:
    The symbols for the code are two fold, one for

    • owner (u)
    • group (g)
    • other (o)

    and another for

    • read (r)
    • write (w)
    • execute (x)

    They are combined to the for the CODE below, either with + to add a
    permission or - to revoke a

    > chmod  


System Informations